Thursday, 9 January 2020

Love Laws

I received a prompt in the form of an picture from a friend who does #WednesdayVerses every week. This poem is inspired by Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things.

Love laws

At the face of it love seems benign
Like a bunch of flowers sitting in a corner at home.
But those who love shall know,
That it is a war upon oneself. That there are borders being drawn upon the heart.
There are violations upon the space we occupy.
The torment of staying apart, or not having met at all.

Then there are surrenders. Insecurities. Implosion.
There are base camps in the crook of the elbows
And there are vanquished peaks in the arches of surprised eyebrows.
There are bridges being built across wrists and shoulders.
There is prohibition and emergency and curfew.
Love laws govern the land of the body and of the heart.
Love laws govern who can love whom, for how long and how much.
But what it is not, is a command to be obeyed.
The flowers rise to the occasion.
Perhaps they're a peace offering.
A white flag.


  1. That is an interesting take on the prompt. I liked how you've written your poem inspired by the novel. Thanks for linking up with Wednesday Verses.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I think I will look forward to your prompts every week.

  2. Lots of rules and regulations for love sometimes. I agree. War upon oneself. What borders to cross, what to stay behind, who to trust, who may stab u in the back... I love the ending. Flowers for peace. Peace between hearts and maybe peace of each heart.
