Sunday 16 October 2016


I dreamed of love that feels like a drug,
That takes you high and makes true all fantasies
Instead I found love that comforts you like a blanket
And roots you to the ground, steady and strong

Love took the self away from myself
Took me into the unknown where I was scared and in awe
Yet love brought me back changed and unchanged
Love grew and with it so did I

Love was a feeling I thought, something that is felt and carried
But now I know love is a way of being and doing things
It is the essential reason of “why” we are
Love is pure energy and a drive

Love is also a person, who makes you feel
You are not alone, Yet you are
Because in life’s journeys we have different lessons waiting
Love is quiet and calm and angry and raging
But most of all love is patience
And love is hope and trust and everything which makes living for another day possible

Love sees all, love sees you in entirety
Loves pushes and pulls and holds when you are broken
Love helps you go beyond your capacities
And still have some strength left

Love teaches you new languages, not just of regions unknown
But also of the heart, the smile and the body, and the soul
Love truly sees the soul, draws into the well that is bottomless and
Makes you compassionate
Love makes you feel you are enough, you are not small
You are not inefficient, you are not stupid or silly or any of those negative things
You think you are. They are just part of you,
Which you will shed like old clothes, unnecessary, a hindrance,
But hold on to because you are so familiar and dependent on them

And so love is naked,
A lover’s body perfect, no matter what scars or shapes they have
No matter what color, what fragrance and what strength
Because when love touches your body,
Every particle of it shines the light within
Every movement is a dance of ecstasy
And every silence and gaze is in admiration
Of the reflection of the soul’s perfection, its timelessness
Its limitlessness and of love itself.

And yes such love makes you want to be around love
All the time.
Without knowing that you yourself are love’s form and content
You have been touched and transformed by your lover
And your lover is within you as you.
The magic of that is to be discovered slowly
Like a bee sucks the honey out of the universal flower
Such powerful love is not destructive, it can only build
And what is left behind or broken down, or thrown away
Are only unnecessary burdensome portions of your sadness

Leaving you light, your heart full and calm and joyous
Leaving you open to miracles and opens your ears and heart to stories
You then are meant to change lives and see life
Without wanting to change it,
You are able to see beauty without damaging it.
You are able to love without expecting anything in return.
And that is the security of love. That is the god within everyone.

“I met the you in me and fell in love with me. I met me in you and fell in love with you.”

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